Volvo XC90 2015-2024 Owners Manual / Driver support / Collision risk warning from driver support

Volvo XC90: Driver support / Collision risk warning from driver support

The driver support systems Adaptive Cruise Control* and Pilot Assist* can help alert the driver if the distance to the vehicle ahead suddenly decreases to an unsafe distance.

Volvo XC90. Collision risk warning from driver support

Collision warning audible signal and symbol

Volvo XC90. Collision risk warning from driver support Audible signal at risk of collision

Volvo XC90. Collision risk warning from driver support Collision warning symbol

Volvo XC90. Collision risk warning from driver support Camera/radar sensor distance monitoring

Adaptive Cruise Control and Pilot Assist use approx. 40% of the braking capacity. If a situation requires more braking force than driver support can provide, and if the driver does not apply the brakes, a warning light and audible warning signal will be activated to alert the driver that immediate action is required.


The driver support system only issues a warning for vehicles detected by its radar unit – thus, a warning may come after a delay or not at all. Never wait for a warning. Apply the brakes when necessary.

Volvo XC90. Collision risk warning from driver support

Collision warning symbol on the windshield

In vehicles equipped with a head-up display*, a flashing warning symbol will be displayed on the windshield.


Visual warnings on the windshield may be difficult to notice in cases of strong sunlight, reflections, extreme light contrasts, or if the driver is wearing sunglasses or is not looking straight ahead.

* Option/accessory.

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