Two remote keys are provided with the vehicle. One Key Tag is also included if the vehicle is equipped with keyless locking/unlocking *. Additional keys can be ordered.
A total of 12 keys can be programmed and used for the same vehicle. An additional driver profile will be added for each new remote key. This also applies to the key tag.
Loss of a remote key
If you lose your remote key, you can order a replacement from a workshop - an authorized Volvo workshop is recommended. Bring the other remaining remote keys to the workshop. As an anti-theft measure, the code of the lost remote key must be erased from the system.
The current number of keys registered for the vehicle can be checked via driver
profiles in the center display's Top view. Select Settings
Driver Profiles.
Volvo recommends that you order a new or duplicate remote key from an authorized Volvo workshop.
You can also obtain additional or duplicate remote keys from certain independent repair facilities and locksmiths that are qualified to make remote keys. Each key must be programmed to work with your vehicle.
A list of independent repair facilities and/or locksmiths known to Volvo that can cut and code replacement keys can be found:
* Option/accessory.