Volvo XC90: Maintenance and service / Removing the plastic cover to replace bulbs
The headlight bulbs can be replaced without the assistance of a workshop,
but before a bulb can be replaced, the plastic cover over the headlight needs to
be removed.

Lift the rubber strip by pressing
it inward into the engine compartment.
Release the pins in the plastic
cover's four clips by pressing them down with a screwdriver or similar object and
remove the covering.
Put the cover back in place in the reverse order.
Bulb types vary depending on model and equipment level. If a light bulb1
breaks, it can be replaced by following the procedure shown in the Owner's Manual...
Most of the bulbs in the headlight housing can be accessed when the rectangular
cover is removed.
Before the rectangular cover can be removed, the plastic covering over the headlight
must be removed...
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